

你可以使用 set_cookie 方法在用户的浏览器中设置cookies:

class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        if not self.get_cookie("mycookie"):
            self.set_cookie("mycookie", "myvalue")
            self.write("Your cookie was not set yet!")
            self.write("Your cookie was set!")

Cookie是不安全的,可能很容易被客户端修改。如果你需要去设置cookies,比如认证当前的登陆用户,你需要去签名你的cookies以防止伪造。Tornado支持使用 set_secure_cookieget_secure_cookie 方法签名cookies。使用这些方法,在创建应用的时候,需要指定一个叫做 cookie_secret 的私钥,并将该参数传递给application的配置。

application = tornado.web.Application([
    (r"/", MainHandler),

被签名的cookies包含cookie的编码值以及一个时间戳和一个 HMAC 签名。如果cookie太旧或者签名不匹配的话, get_secure_cookie 函数将会返回一个 None 值,就像cookie并没有设置一样。安全版本的代码示例如下所示:

class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
    def get(self):
        if not self.get_secure_cookie("mycookie"):
            self.set_secure_cookie("mycookie", "myvalue")
            self.write("Your cookie was not set yet!")
            self.write("Your cookie was set!")

Tornado的安全cookies保证了完整性,但无法保证保密性。这是因为,cookie不能被修改但是内容确实可以被用户查看的。私钥 cookie_secret 是一个对称的key,并且必须秘密保存,任何获取了该key值的人都可以伪造出自己的签名cookies。

默认情况下,Tornado的安全cookies在30天后过期。不过可以在 set_secure_cookie 方法中设置 expires_days 参数来改变cookies的过期时间,同时设置 get_secure_cookie 方法的 max_age_days 参数也可以达到类似的效果。这两个参数可以配合使用,比如在大部分需求中使用 expires_days 参数设置过期为30天,但是在一些敏感的行为(例如更改账户信息)中使用 max_age_days 参数得到一个更短的过期时间。


在每个请求handler中,都可以通过使用 self.current_user 方法获得当前的登录用户,在模板中使用 current_user 变量获取。默认情况下, current_user 值是 None

在应用中实现用户登录,你需要在请求句柄中重写 get_current_user() 方法来查明用户是否登录,例如使用cookie。下面是一个例子,用户通过输入一个简单的昵称登录,并将其保存在cookie中作为认证使用:

class BaseHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
    def get_current_user(self):
        return self.get_secure_cookie("user")

class MainHandler(BaseHandler):
    def get(self):
        if not self.current_user:
        name = tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(self.current_user)
        self.write("Hello, " + name)

class LoginHandler(BaseHandler):
    def get(self):
        self.write('<html><body><form action="/login" method="post">'
                   'Name: <input type="text" name="name">'
                   '<input type="submit" value="Sign in">'

    def post(self):
        self.set_secure_cookie("user", self.get_argument("name"))

application = tornado.web.Application([
    (r"/", MainHandler),
    (r"/login", LoginHandler),

可以要求用户登录的时候使用 Python 修饰器 tornado.web.authenticated 。如果某个方法使用了这个修饰器,而用户处于未登录状态,将会被重定向到 login_url (另外一个application setting的配置)。上面的例子可以重写成这样:

class MainHandler(BaseHandler):
    def get(self):
        name = tornado.escape.xhtml_escape(self.current_user)
        self.write("Hello, " + name)

settings = {
    "cookie_secret": "__TODO:_GENERATE_YOUR_OWN_RANDOM_VALUE_HERE__",
    "login_url": "/login",
application = tornado.web.Application([
    (r"/", MainHandler),
    (r"/login", LoginHandler),
], **settings)

如果在 post() 方法上使用 authenticated 修饰器,并且用户没有登录的化,服务器会返回一个 403 响应。 @authenticated 修饰器可以简单理解成: if not self.current_user: self.redirect() 并且它并不适合非基于浏览器登录的方案(比如单独作为后端API)。

点击 Tornado Blog example application 来查看一个用户登录的完整示例(并将用户信息存储在MySQL数据库中)。


tornado.auth 模块为一些最受欢迎的网站实现了认证和认证协议,包括:Google/Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, 和 FriendFeed。模板包含用于登录这些网站的方法,在哪里适合使用,认证权限的方法,所以你可以做一些事情比如:下载一个用户的地址列表或者代表用户在Twitter上发一条消息。

这是一个使用Google认证的例子,在例子中将Google credentials保存在cookie中以便之后的验证:

class GoogleOAuth2LoginHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler,
    def get(self):
        if self.get_argument('code', False):
            user = yield self.get_authenticated_user(
            # Save the user with e.g. set_secure_cookie
            yield self.authorize_redirect(
                scope=['profile', 'email'],
                extra_params={'approval_prompt': 'auto'})

查看 tornado.auth 的模板文档,了解更多详细信息。


#TODO:这部分之后再翻译 Cross-site request forgery, or XSRF, is a common problem for personalized web applications. See the Wikipedia article for more information on how XSRF works.

The generally accepted solution to prevent XSRF is to cookie every user with an unpredictable value and include that value as an additional argument with every form submission on your site. If the cookie and the value in the form submission do not match, then the request is likely forged.

Tornado comes with built-in XSRF protection. To include it in your site, include the application setting xsrf_cookies:

settings = {
    "cookie_secret": "__TODO:_GENERATE_YOUR_OWN_RANDOM_VALUE_HERE__",
    "login_url": "/login",
    "xsrf_cookies": True,
application = tornado.web.Application([
    (r"/", MainHandler),
    (r"/login", LoginHandler),
], **settings)

If xsrf_cookies is set, the Tornado web application will set the _xsrf cookie for all users and reject all POST, PUT, and DELETE requests that do not contain a correct _xsrf value. If you turn this setting on, you need to instrument all forms that submit via POST to contain this field. You can do this with the special UIModule xsrf_form_html(), available in all templates:

<form action="/new_message" method="post">
  {% module xsrf_form_html() %}
  <input type="text" name="message"/>
  <input type="submit" value="Post"/>

If you submit AJAX POST requests, you will also need to instrument your JavaScript to include the _xsrf value with each request. This is the jQuery function we use at FriendFeed for AJAX POST requests that automatically adds the _xsrf value to all requests:

function getCookie(name) {
    var r = document.cookie.match("\\b" + name + "=([^;]*)\\b");
    return r ? r[1] : undefined;

jQuery.postJSON = function(url, args, callback) {
    args._xsrf = getCookie("_xsrf");
    $.ajax({url: url, data: $.param(args), dataType: "text", type: "POST",
        success: function(response) {
        callback(eval("(" + response + ")"));

For PUT and DELETE requests (as well as POST requests that do not use form-encoded arguments), the XSRF token may also be passed via an HTTP header named X-XSRFToken. The XSRF cookie is normally set when xsrf_form_html is used, but in a pure-Javascript application that does not use any regular forms you may need to access self.xsrf_token manually (just reading the property is enough to set the cookie as a side effect).

If you need to customize XSRF behavior on a per-handler basis, you can override RequestHandler.check_xsrf_cookie(). For example, if you have an API whose authentication does not use cookies, you may want to disable XSRF protection by making check_xsrf_cookie() do nothing. However, if you support both cookie and non-cookie-based authentication, it is important that XSRF protection be used whenever the current request is authenticated with a cookie.